Saturday November 20, 2010 Joe Kistel and I, Larry Davis  drove up to St. Marys, Georgia to TUFF-E-NUFF, the 105 year old tug built in 1895. We spend about 5 hours on the vessel, cleaning, removing stuff, and inspectiing the engine compartment.
Here are some pictures from that day. You can see the amount of work there is and needs to get done. If you or anyone you know would like to get involved with creating an artificial reef, we would love to hear from you. Get a different perspective of what goes on to ready this vessel for her new home.
This picture shows the amount of rust and silt built up. You can just make out the bolts in the center.

In this next picture, you are looking aft, starboard side. The fluid you see is a mix of brown river water and diesel and mud and other stuff. Gewy.

In the …

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